Monday, November 22, 2010

Friends Book Sale a Tremendous Success

A recent blog article brought to my attention contained the following:

"Whether it’s eBooks, websites or some other form of digitized distribution mechanism, the writing is on the wall for the printed “dead tree” medium."

If you were at our Friends book sale the first week of November and saw the throngs of people including pre-school, teens, young adult, middle-aged, and seniors grabbing up books, you might wonder if the writing truly is on the wall for the "dead tree" medium.

The sale was a tremendous success. Thanks to Library staff for manual labor, Sumter County Public Works for transportation, the Sumter-Lee Regional Detention Center for help in setting up and taking down, the Exhibition Center for tables, Sumter Mall for lending us the space, and especially to the Friends of the Library for their hard work and support in making the annual book sale an event the Sumter community looks forward to year after year. These include Friends members who sort through donations throughout the year, those who set up for the sale in advance, and those who volunteer during the sale itself. And thanks to everyone who comes out to load up on books and support the library.

Finally, very special thanks to Suzanne and Jess Begley for both chairing the sale (Suzanne), and all their hard work (Suzanne and Jess) in making it happen.

The Library appreciates your support more than you can ever know.

Robert Harden

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