Friday, April 11, 2008

April @ the Library

We have some very interesting events scheduled at the Library for April, which is BTW, Jazz Appreciation Month. The Library collection has several books, CDs, and DVDs on the subject worth checking out. April 13-19 is National Library Week. I'd like to suggest two possible ways to observe National Library Week. First, think of all the different services that libraries provide. Now, think of a world without libraries and without those services. Personally, libraries have been an important part of my life since my parents first took me to the old Carnegie Library on Liberty Street when I was a little boy. I've loved libraries ever since and think the world would be a poorer place without them. This year's theme for National Library Week is "Join the circle of knowledge @ your library" and we certainly have a wide variety of services to help you do just that. One new service to checkout is SchoolRooms. You can access SchoolRooms from the Library website. It is a new K-12 online multimedia discovery place for South Carolina students. SchoolRooms has been designed to provide a "Best of the Web" approach to internet and database searching. The content has been selected by over 200 teachers and librarians. It is possible to search 3 million educator-selected pages in 71 subject areas with content aligned to curriculum standards. The SchoolRooms project is being developed by the South Carolina State Library with funding provided by IMLS and LSTA.
The Library will host El dia de los ninos y el dia de los libros (Day of the child, day of the book) on April 19th at the Downtown Library from 3-5. Check with our Children's Department for further details. April 19th is also the day for the Festival on the Avenue. The festival will begin with a parade from Bartlette Street featuring J. David Weeks as Grand Marshall. The event plans to showcase many local talents and will have singing, dancing, poetry, vendors with local cuisines, arts and crafts, a carnival, competitions and the Sumter County Library Bookmobile will also be on hand. The schedule for that day is 10:00 to 4:00.
On April 23rd, from 4:00 to 5:00 pm at the Downtown Library, along with the Wofford College Troubadour Series, we will be presenting a program featuring the music of classical guitarist Andres Segovia and the poetry of Carl Sandburg. Jhon Akers will be the featured performer. Light refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the concert and attendees will have an opportunity to meet the artist.
To help kick off the Sumter Scottish Fair and Celtic Festival, the movie Braveheart will be shown at 6:30 pm on April 24th at the Downtown Library. There are also some interesting items on display at the Downtown Library in coordination with this festival.


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